
Type of water body

Mining dams

  • In_catchment AHGF Catchment HydroID; Property reporting catchment
  • Upstream catchment: Catchment
  • Capacity
  • Max_area: Polygon
  • Water level – volume curve
  • Water level – area curve
  • DEM
  • Point location: Point
  • Water level: Time series
  • Volume: Time series
  • Percent full: Time series
  • Area: Time series
  • Area polygon: Time series
  • Inflow: Time series
  • Evaporation: Time series
  • Events: Time series of Dam Events
  • Dry, Overflowing
  • Photos: Time series

Data sources


  • Create from polygon
  • Create from polygon and DEM
  • Calculate Water level – volume curve from DEM
  • Calculate Water level – area curve from DEM